Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes, original name in Spanish: Sabalo. The Atlantic tarpon inhabits coastal waters, estuaries, lagoons, and rivers. Tarpons feed almost exclusively on schooling fish and occasionally crabs.
Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier), original name in Spanish: Peto. Wahoo is a scombrid fish found worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas. It is best known to sports fishermen, as its speed and high-quality flesh make it a prize game fish. In Hawaii, the wahoo is known as ono. Many Hispanic areas of the Caribbean and Central America refer to this fish as peto.
Makaira ampla (Poey), original name in Spanish: Castero. The Atlantic blue marlin is a species of marlin endemic to the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic blue marlin feeds on a wide variety of organisms near the surface. It uses its bill to stun, injure, or kill while knifing through a school of fish or other prey, then returns to eat the injured or stunned fish.
- Series: Sport Fishing
- Country: Republic of Cuba
- Year: 1971-10-30
- Perforation: line 12½
- Printing: Offset lithography
- Size: 50 x 30 mm
- Face value: 4, 5, 13, 30 ¢
- Number of catalogue Michel: CU 1724-1727