Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cuban postcard (Rhino, Museum of Stone, Guantanamo)

  The Zoological Museum of Stone is the product of about twenty years of work by sculptor Angel Iñigo Blanco (1935), whose life was devoted to farming. Since childhood he practiced wood carving and molding clay and wax. In the mid 70s he discovered large blocks of limestone in Boqueron Alto began sculpting. In December 1977, he made the first sculpture of what later became the Stone Zoo. Recently, the son, Angel Iñigo Perez (1967), the artistic work of the father conceived works of high artistic quality adds. The museum has more than 300 sculptures of the animal kingdom.
  • Original Name: "Museo de Piedra, Yateras Guantanamo, Cuba. Rinoceronte."
  • Country: Republic of Cuba
  • Subject: Animals